Since I consider myself a somewhat "middle to upper-middle of the road" expert on travel to Baja and information about the peninsula, I was somewhat surprised when I read the San Diego Union Tribune's obituary today (something I never do) and saw the story on this Baja expert. Sounds like one of the great Baja explorers and I wonder if any of you out there have heard of him? I hadn't. Here's the article: Dr. Reid Venable Moran (1916 - 2010) Reid Moran, an explorer and scientist, spent many years traveling by mule, truck and boat to remote locations throughout Baja California in search of plant specimens. His expeditions yielded hundreds of plants from islands off Baja including Guadalupe Island, a volcanic island 250 miles south of San Diego. His peers considered him a legend in botanical exploration. As the longtime curator of botany at the San Diego Natural History Museum, he played a key role in the museum’s growth. Dr. Moran died of pneumonia Jan. 21 in Clearl...