Over 200,000 acres of coastal land protected in San Ignacio Lagoon
According to The International Community Foundation, who do wonderful work helping the people ad environment of Baja and Mexico, land around San Ignacio Lagoon will now be protected. Please read below. ICF Grantee, Pronatura Noroeste, Secures Long-Term Protection for Over 200,000 Acres of Coastal Lands in San Ignacio Lagoon Mexico's Commission for Natural & Protected Areas (CONANP) has recently announced the designation of an environmentally-focused, non-extractive concession - otherwise known as an UMA "Units for the Conservation, Management and Utilization of Wildlife" ( Unidades de Conservación, Manejo y Aprovechamiento de Vida Silvestre or UMAs) - to Ensenada-based Pronatura Noroeste, for the long-term protection and conservation of 184,000 acres of federally-owned coastal lands in Laguna San Ignacio, located in the El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve in Baja California Sur. The announcement was made in a press conference in Mexico City on August 23rd, ...