Tijuana Zonkey’s bring smiles and an uncertain future
It's a Tijuana tradition. You're grandparents probably have a Zonkey photo. Written by Lencho Paint a donkey to look like a Zebra and you will undoubtedly draw attention. Slightly confused, curious and definitely intrigued, whether you are six years old or fifty years old, that is the feeling most will have when they walk past the Zonkeys of Tijuana . These Zonkeys have been an icon on the busiest corners of Mexico’s most bustling border town for ninety-nine years. The first photo of a tourist with a donkey in Tijuana is said to have happened nearly a century ago in 1914. At that time a photo of a tourist on a light skinned donkey was a technological and magical accomplishment. Donkey’s have light colored hides, from gray to white and often the photos that were produced from the crude black and white camera was of a person sitting on what looked to be a ghost of a donkey. So somewhere in the 1940’s the Donke...