Tijuana Community Cleanup - WildCoast

I just received this from Wildcoast. Check it out as it's something worthwhile.

Join WiLDCOAST and Tijuana Calidad de Vida in Tijuana, Mexico for a community cleanup and help prevent ocean-bound trash from making its way across the border and into the ocean.

Los Alacranes is a neighborhood of Los Laureles Canyon, a sub-basin of the Tijuana River watershed. This neighborhood is home to thousands of people who have settled in or around Los Laureles creek. Due to lack of government resources, the community goes without basic infrastructure such as trash collection and sewage collection. As a consequence, every year when it rains, thousands of pounds of trash and solid waste make their way into the Tijuana River, Estuary and ultimately into the ocean. Help us minimize the impact of this pollution on our border region by joining us on July 24 from 8am to 12pm in Tijuana, Mexico.
For more information please email: paloma@wildcoast.net


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