2019 Mexico International Volleyball Tournament Championship Games in Photos

The 2019 #MexVolleyball tournament in Rosarito Beach, Baja California, Mexico was another great time as usual. Almost 200 men's teams and over 100 women's team competed for the championship. If you play volleyball at almost any level and can hang with the parties during the weekend, this  tourney is for you!

Congrats to winners Kevin Malak & Evan Gebert and Alisha Bettinson & Lauren Bosse!

2019 Women's Championship Game

2019 Men's Championship Game

Interested in playing #MexVolleyball in 2020, check out their website at http://mexvolleyball.com/

Don't for get to get your Mexican auto insurance, it's mandatory. Here's a list of companies: http://www.mexonline.com/insurance.htm



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