Laguna Hanson & Parque Nacional Constitucion de 1857 (16 images)

If you drive an hour east on Highway 3 from Ensenada, you will find the turnoff to the pine forests of Laguna Hanson & Parque Nacional Constitucion de 1857. Another 20 miles of graded dirt roads up to the 5,000 foot Sierra de Juarez mountains of northern Baja California you'll find the national park. Opportunities to explore a different biosphere than the surrounding Baja peninsula exist here. Hiking, birdwatching, rock climbing, solitude, camping and cabins await you. 

Well worth the day trip or a stay over if you are seeking adventure. On our visit, we we left the park to the north and ended up on Highway 2 along the US/Mexico border near La Rumorosa.

Enjoy a couple images of the trip.

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